Sunday, February 27, 2011

My love for cooking

I have always loved to cook, it it one thing in my life that seems to be constant.  When life gets hectic and stressful I turn to cooking (ok ok and wine) to relax me.  I have finally decided to start blogging about my cooking endeavours-- good or bad, success or failure.  I believe that failing can only make a person stronger and more successful.  I hope everyone enjoys my blog and if you ever would like me to try something let me know.  I am happy to be the guinea pig!  What is my style of cooking?  Well it changes every week!  When life gets in the way I tend to lean on my fast and quick recipes that I know by heart.  On Sundays you can find me cooking up a storm.  I love to cook, but lets be serious, sometimes I just do not have time to be creative and or have the energy to do so.  I like to do my "bulk" cooking on Sundays for the week for those times when I just can't find the energy to spend time in the kitchen.  Typically I make enough food for a couple lunch's and dinners through the work week.  That leaves me a couple of meals to make something different or go out with friends.  This is also a great way to budget how much you spend a week on food and if you are counting your calories and watching what you are eating it is easy to track.  I hope that my blog and recipes can inspire at least one person to enjoy cooking and get in the kitchen.  Bon Appetit!

1 comment:

  1. The Red Velvet Cheesecake Pops were "awesome!"
